Principal’s Message

Today was a great day! Yes, this was largely due to the fact that tentative agreements have been reached with both ETFO and CUPE this week. I want to thank all Allenby staff for their continual commitment to students and their positive outlook throughout these challenging times. We have had a great start to the school year and it is about to become even better, I can’t wait!

Today was also a great day because I was able to share it with my daughter. Today was “Take Your Kids to Work Day,” a day with grade 9 students across the country joining the workforce. Having Riley spend “a day in my life” was terrific. Many questions were answered by shadowing me for a day, including: Why am I so passionate about the work that I do? What dreams do I have for Allenby? How come I never have time to reply to a text from her over the course of the day?

Research suggests that today’s youth will have multiple careers over the span of their lifetime. Learning in school is more effective and relevant if children see where their education might lead them in the future. You don’t need to wait until your children are in grade 9 to share with them the work that you do, inside and outside of the home. Share those moments of discovery that led you to choose a specific career and what motivates you with your work. Share what you read in your workplace (factums, medical records, technical reports, professional literature, manuals, letters), how you apply math and other concepts to the work that you do, and how you are always learning and growing. Encourage your children to dream big and work hard.

Here’s to tomorrow, another great day in a job that I love, with wonderful staff and students, and my first staff meeting of the year around the corner.

Tracey O’Toole