Mental Health Matters

Tech Health
The APA’s goal is to begin a dialogue within our parent community to help families support their children in building healthy tech habits. As we receive feedback from parents, on things they’re trying at home, we will share them with you.

Started the “child accounts” on the iPad to set limits on usage. Have done a handful of consecutive days with no tech (T.V. or iPad) to reset after having too much tech over the winter. Hard at first, but the kids adapted, and they noticed how much better they feel. So, it was easier setting limits after that.

Ten Percent Happier App – It is great for meditation for adults. Also, free for teachers/educators and health care workers! ~ Jen Shaughnessy – SK, primary students

If you have any questions that weren’t answered during our last APA meeting, or you’ve implemented something that you’d like to share we want to hear from you! Please share here.

Please contact Amanda Cooke if you’d like to borrow Dr. Shimi Kang’s book, The Tech Solution.