Highlights from the November APA Meeting

It was great to see so many new faces at last night’s APA meeting!

Principal O’Toole gave an extremely informative presentation on how to support our children with reading, including many tips and strategies for early readers. The school has committed a sizable portion of its budget to literacy this year and the staff has been busy identifying the areas where literacy resources are needed.

Our Health and Safety Committee has been working on teaming up with different organizations and schools along the Avenue Road corridor to tackle traffic issues.

Allenby Baseball is back this spring by popular demand. After a year hiatus due to schoolyard construction, the APA is bringing back baseball. It runs in the evenings for all Allenby students and is much like any house league. If you know baseball (or even if you don’t!) we are looking for a volunteer to co-convene the league. Please email Dawn Morris if you are interested.

And finally, mark your calendars for the most popular APA events. Big Night Out – Schoolapalooza is on February 4th, Lip Sync is scheduled for February 25th and 26th and Fun Fair will be held on June 4th.