“Project Breezy” is a community initiative of two Toronto Police Service constables PC Rob Meloche (#8291) and PC Marcie Beaven (#5313) who work out of our local 53 Division located at 75 Eglinton Ave. West, and serve as Neighbourhood Officers for the Thorncliffe Park Area.
In their roles as Neighbourhood Officers, Rob and Marcie work in Thorncliffe Park with a wide range of community members, including young families that are financially struggling, many who are newcomers or refugees, and those who are generally in need. They have partnered with the Bike Hub and the city of Toronto to run an annual program “Project Breezy” to re-home a family’s recycled or once loved bikes to those in need.
This is a great opportunity for Allenby families to pass on older used bike’s to have a new appreciated life in another family’s home. The condition of the bikes does not matter and the Bike Hub has trained bike mechanics and volunteers that will to fix bikes and replace parts or even just use parts of bikes to create newly refurbished bikes.
Have a bike to donate?
PCs Rob and Marcie will pick up bikes from Allenby and deliver them to “HUB” where they get fixed.
Bring your bike to Allenby on Thursday April 27th and drop them off near the main doors on St Clements Avenue.
Please don’t bring your bikes before this date as they will not be stored!
If you have questions, please reach out to Lindsay Borden.