APA Meetings

The Allenby Parents’ Association (APA) meetings are held every other month on Wednesday evenings (all virtual) from 7-8pm.

Meeting Dates

2024–2025 meeting dates TBC


Voting on Financial Decisions

The APA budget is developed and presented in May and the final version is passed (through vote) in September of the following school year. From time to time, motions for additional spending are presented at meetings throughout the school year.

Spending motions that are less than $5,000 will be announced in the newsletter the week before an upcoming meeting, communicated to parents through APA Reps, placed on the APA meeting agenda, tabled at the meeting and then voted on at that same meeting.

Spending motions that are greater than $5,000 are placed on the APA agenda, tabled at the meeting, placed on the agenda for the next meeting and then voted on at that meeting.