How does the APA raise funds?

Families are asked to contribute to the APA Every Dollar Counts….In the Class Room at the start of each school year. Participation is voluntary and optional. Each family is asked to contribute whatever they can! Every dollar counts, Allenby!

As well, the APA holds fundraising events throughout the year, like the Fun Fair held in June, the monthly Pizza Lunch program, Lip Sync and the Fall Fundraiser. Proceeds support the APA’s initiatives. All donations are used to benefit teaching, learning and enrich the Allenby experience. The APA contributes between $70,000 – $100,000 dollars to the school every year.

How is the money spent?

In May a proposed budget, prepared by the APA Executive Board, is presented at the APA meeting and then voted on for approval/revisions at the September meeting. Discussion of the individual line items take place at both the May and September meetings. Throughout the school year, new requests may be brought forward. These could be for additional expenditures and/or revising the terms of past decisions.  The APA works closely with the school administration to ensure funding is slated for high priority needs.

What programs and initiatives does my donation support?

APA donations provide programs like Scientist in the School, Artist in the School, stipends for classroom materials, the school-wide Lice Check program, landscaping in the schoolyard, sporting equipment, Character Education programs, and technology hardware (chromebooks, iPads, and interactive whiteboards). All funds are spent in collaboration with teachers and school administrators and needs in the school have been identified by the school principal.

How can I find out more about APA fundraising?

The monthly APA meetings are minuted and the minutes are distributed through the weekly Allenby Update newsletter. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend any APA meeting, including those where fundraising is discussed.  They are held virtually the last Wednesday of the month.  Our financial statements and budgets are also circulated to parents through the weekly newsletter.

Why does the APA raise money for these programs? Why doesn’t the school fund them independently?

Unfortunately, all schools in Ontario are doing more with less. Allenby has increased dramatically in size in the last decade and budgets have not always kept pace. The reality is that we are lucky to be part of a community where parent involvement and financial support is available; thanks to many volunteers and donors each year, all Allenby students benefit.