Mental Health Matters

Tech Health

Although many parents have a nagging sense that they should do more to limit screen-time, they often question whether there’s enough evidence to justify the upheaval that restrictions can create in the home. There may be a feeling that it’s just part of our kids’ culture these days or worry that other family members will undermine their efforts. When managing your family’s “tech health”, it’s important to do what works for you. If you are happy with the current amount of screen time in your home or feel that you simply don’t have the bandwidth to make a change right now, do not worry! If you are, however, questioning the amount of screen time your children receive and are wondering how it might be impacting those little brains, the APA has been working on exploring that issue this year.

It’s been a month now since we heard a speaker on tech health and our children, and we’re interested to know how it’s going. Have you implemented anything that is working well, or tried to make a change that has not gone well at all? We want to hear from you! Sharing success and working together through the tough times will help us all to figure out one of the biggest parenting challenges of our time. Please share here.

We know that many questions weren’t answered in the January session, and so we’ve committed to revisiting this topic during our March APA meeting. If you have any questions that weren’t answered during the last session or something came to you after the last discussion, please use this link. The APA’s goal is to begin a dialogue within our parent community to help families support their children in building healthy habits.

Should anyone be interested, the APA still has a few copies of Dr. Shimi Kang’s book, The Tech Solution, available to borrow. Please contact Amanda Cooke with inquiries and/or feedback.

Next Ward 8 Forum on March 11th – ‘Mental Health’
The next Ward Forum on March 11th – “Student Mental Health & Well-Being During COVID” – will feature a presentation by Shameen Sandhu, System Leader of Mental Health and Professional Support Services. If you are interested in participating, please register here.
