December APA Meeting

Upon review of the APA by-laws following the November meeting, we have confirmed that we did not have a quorum for transaction of business. According to the by-laws, quorum is 16 members and only 15 members were present at the November meeting. As a result, all motions brought or tabled will be brought again or tabled again at the December meeting.  Please see November minutes for details of the motions tabled and voted on. 

Hopefully we will have a larger number of APA members (all parents/guardians of Allenby students) at the December meeting and those following. Being able to transact business is critical to making sure that we can put in place the initiatives that have a positive impact on our children’s education. Currently, the schoolyard campaign could be negatively impacted if we don’t have enough members to table a motion in support of the campaign. 

We’d also love to have your opinions. Meetings are a great chance to have your voice heard and bring forth your perspective on issues. We have an outstanding community that puts forth enormous efforts in so many different ways, which is why the APA is such a successful organization. Let’s support these efforts. 

The December meeting is on Monday, December 15 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the library. Please see agenda. For babysitting for children 3+, please RSVP to Andrea Brodey by Friday, December 11. Coffee and holiday treats will be served (who can turn down treats?)