Calling all performers…it’s time to get your lip sync act together!! Find a group, pick a song, and start rehearsing for the most anticipated show of the year! The 32nd annual Allenby Lip Sync will take place the evening of Thursday, March 2nd. Kids of all ages are invited to perform a lip sync on stage in the gym in front of hundreds of screaming fans!
To perform in the show, your student’s group must register online by February 12th. Each student can participate in one act only and acts are limited to a maximum of 1.5 minutes. It’s a FUN night, but to keep the show to approximately two hours we encourage groups of three or more (solo acts are not permitted). Final dress rehearsals will occur in late-February.
Grade 6 students have the opportunity to help out as an MC or a stagehand at the show. The registration form will be sent out to Grade 6 classes via class representatives.
Contact the Lip Sync Team with questions or for further information.